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2pages, 84 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"James Prichard"Advanced Search
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'Native of the Papua Islands', c1840.Artist: J Bull
'A Melik of the Shegyia Arabs', c1840.Artist: J Bull
Scottish terrer, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Shepherd's dog', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Greyhound, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Wolf dog', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Old English hound', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Newfoundland dog, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Bulldog, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Dalmatian dog, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Iceland dog, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'A Woman of the Tuda Race', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Head of a Woman of the Cafusos', 1848.Artist: Ebenezer Landells
'Koorai, a Fisherman's Family', 1848.Artist: J Bull
'Hottentot female', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Natives of Benguela and Angola, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Girl of the Isle of Luzon', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Woman of the Mariana Islands', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Woman of the Aleutian Islands', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'The last of the Charruas', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Native American women and child, 1848. Artist: Harris
'Woman & Child of the Bushman Race', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Female of the Bushman Race', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Woman from the Samoan Islands', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'A native of Omdai Island', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Feodor Ivanovitsch - A Kalmuk', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Three types of human skull, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Base of the skull, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Kamtschadale', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Samoiede', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Chinese', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Ko-tsching Dschang', 1848.Artist: Ebenezer Landells
'Souakiny chief', 1848.Artist: Ebenezer Landells
Abyssinian portraits, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Amochi Galla, a portrait of a Galla, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Edjow Galla', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Abbas Gregorius and a native of Hausa, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Jan Tzatzoe, Kafir of the Amakosah Tribe', 1848.Artist: J Bull
'Kosah Kafir', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Native of Mozambique, 1848.Artist: Ebenezer Landells
A native of Tahiti, 1848. Artist: Unknown
A native of the Sandwich Islands, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Inhabitants of Tikopia', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Mataboulais de Tahofa', 1848. Artist: Unknown
A native Australian, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Patet, Australians of King George's Sound', 1848.Artist: J Bull
Thayendaneega, a Mohawk chief, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Nah-Pope (The Soup), A Sac Warrior', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Muck-a-tah-mish-o-kah-kaik, The Black Hawk, A Sac Chief', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Tuch-ee, A Cherokee War Chief', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Sha-ko-ka, The Mint, A Mandan Girl', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Mi-neek-ee-sank-te-ka, The Mink, A Mandan Girl', 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Mah-to-toh-pa, (The Four Bears), 2nd Chief of the Mandans', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Meach-o-shin-gaw, The Little White Bear, A Konza Warrior', 1848. Artist: Harris
'Wah-ro-nee-sah', The Surrounder, An Otoe Chief', 1848.Artist: Harris
'Natives of California', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Hunters of Bay San Francisco, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'Hee-doh-gee-ats, a Chin-ook Boy', 1848. Artist: Harris
'Heo-a-h'co-a-h'-cotes-min, a Flat head Warrior', 1848.Artist: Harris